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Principal's Message

Dear Walter Hays Families,

We hope that you have had a wonderful summer and we are looking forward to seeing everyone when we return to school on Wednesday, August 14, 2019. The school day begins at 8:25 am.

PAUSD Priorities

High Quality Teaching & Learning: All students are challenged to reach high standards and are provided an experience capable of accelerating learning through pedagogical academic supports, unobstructed access to rigorous courses, and an unwavering belief that our schools can positively impact the trajectory of each child.

Equity & Excellence: All students shall experience an environment characterized by acceptance, respect, and support to become invested in the pursuit of learning and excellence without fear of threat, humiliation, danger of disregard.

Wellness & Safety: Create a physical environment that promotes safety through established protocols and procedures, appropriate internal and external security systems, and routine emergency preparations.

The Walter Hays Way Core Values continue to be important pillars for how children learn and grow at school. Our goal is for each student to understand their personal  responsibility to treat others with respect and dignity as they develop a strong voice to advocate for themselves. We strive for every student to achieve academic/intellectual, social, emotional and physical skills while maintaining a spirit of kindness and inclusion toward one another. Please partner with us to encourage and support our children on this journey!

Walter Hays School Handbook & Student Conduct Expectation Form

Each family has access to the Walter Hays Handbook on our school’s website. These are important guidelines for students and parents. Please review this booklet with your child(ren), prior to the beginning of school. Understanding the school’s vision, mission, guidelines, and expectations will support a positive experience for all.

We are looking forward to another successful year at Walter Hays.

